事件緣由:   前天國民黨的張慶和擅自宣布通過服貿協議一案已審(只用30秒的時間),以下報導引述自中時電子時報


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How did Mark Zuckerberg develop the idea for FaceBook.com? How did Mark Zuckerberg rise from nothing to become the youngest billionaires in the world? What lessons can be drawn from the startup story of Mark Zuckerberg and his Facebook Company? If you are interested in the answer to any of the questions, then read on.

In the course of building a business; I have seen and learned a lot of things, and I am still in the learning process. Everyday, I come across tough, die hard entrepreneurs whose drive and achievements inspire me. One of such inspiring entrepreneurs is Mark Zuckerberg; the youngest billionaire in the world. A lot have been said and written about this young billionaire entrepreneur but I am going to focus on his entrepreneurial achievements.

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啊哈!!   搬家完成了


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我的人生太順利了,35 歲就當上主治兼外科加護病房主任,台大一百年來找不到第二個。以世俗的眼光來看,我好像什麼都有了,成就、名利,妻賢子孝。但我不快樂,連家都不想回。

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是的, 應該是2011/8/16~17的晚上,我做了一個美好的夢-------關於我與我的好朋友李嘉睿 ,國小(一到四年級同班)時的玩伴.

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  • OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturing,接受客戶完全指定,按原圖設計代工製造。 
  • ODM: Original Design Manufacturing,為客戶提供設計、製造代工的服務。
  • EMS: Electronics Manufacturing Service,提供經濟規模及全球各地的電子專業代工製造服務。
  • CMMS: Component Module Move Service,是郭台銘首創的代工模服務模式。分別為JDVM(Join DeVelopment Manufacture)共同設計開發製造與JDSM(Join DeSign Manufacture)共同設計服務製造。


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